Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chapter 102: In Which I Discuss pre-ordering Hard Times Blues

So, I've been absent lately from the interwebs. But it's been a good absence. I'm teaching 8th grade Humanities this summer, and been organizing a tour that's shaping up to be amazing. I have six definite dates so far. I'll be covering some old ground, and some new cities in August. Hell, I'll just say it. I'm touring Canada! So excited!

HARD TIMES BLUES is scheduled for release in less than a month. We don't have it up on pre-order from Amazon yet, and I'm not a big fan of Amazon, anyway. The cuts they take are highly inconvenient to authors and publishers, and their business practices have done much to kill brick-and-mortar bookstores. I'm sure some of my readers would like to circumvent that leviathan, too. So, you could contact me through Paypal via my business email: The book will be $15 (12 plus shipping and handling). Or wait until July 15th and order through Amazon or Small Press Distribution.

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